
J is for Jumping Jelly Beans

Wow! Jumping Jelly Beans are fun!

To start our letter J adventures, each child chose 3 Jelly Beans (jolly rancher version . . . so no crazy flavors :) ). We then used them to create a bar chart and had a great discussion on greater than and less than concepts (our Math theme for January).  

We ate some and then compared them again after the quantities changed.

I love these egg toppers from the 2 1/2 dozen containers! We use them in so many ways! This is just two of those side by side.

The Jelly Beans we tasted made us want to Jump, Jump, Jump so we took a trip to Jumpland! 
(A big thanks Ms Morgan over at Brilliant Beginnings for this fun idea)  

We took turns drawing cards with colors on them (just used my Candyland game cards) and jumping to that color until everyone made it to Jumpland.  This was so much fun we will positively be doing it again . . . and again . . . and again!

 The giggles were so contagious even Ms Tamra couldn't stop laughing!

We just couldn't get enough Jelly Beans, so we added some green frosting . . .

and made a journal page.  
This is one that won't be going in their "Me books"--too much fun to eat!

At the end of the day there were several requests to do a Jumping Jelly Bean day again :) Too much fun!

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