
E is for Elephant

Did you know an elephant can put as much as 2 gallons of water in its trunk?
Or that a mom elephant is pregnant for almost 2 years?
Or that just like a human babies sometimes suck their thumb,
baby elephants often suck their trunks for comfort?

Check out this site National Geographic Kids Creature Feature
to learn more about Elephants,
watch a video of a baby elephant playing,
 hear elephant noises
and even see a picture of elephants hugging.

We didn't get a chance to do this at school today,
so it would be a nice follow-up activity for you and your child to explore together!

We did, though, make these fun sack puppets . . . 

I used the template found here,  which you could also use to make an elephant mask too.

Everyone sits in a circle while one child skips around the circle.
The child pretends to be an elephant by using one arm for a trunk and the other for a tail.
Everyone sings:

1 elephant went out one day
Upon a spiders web to play,
He had such enormous fun,
He called for another elephant to come!

When the verse ends, whoever the child is standing behind then joins him/her holding hands
and skipping around the circle while everyone sings:

2 elephants went out one day
Upon a spiders web to play.
They had such enormous fun,
They called for another elephant to come!

Continue until everyone is up and then the final verse is sung:

____ elephants went out one day,
Upon a spiders web to play.
They had such enormous fun,
But the web it broke and they all fell down!

Everyone falls to the ground (and giggles, of course!)

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