
A is for Apples!

Here's a few peek of our apple discussion last week . . . 

We made a bar graph comparing the colors of apples brought in (red, yellow or green) . . . 
 Explored the inside of the apple 
and found the apple star full of seeds . . . 
We also compared (and tasted!)
 different kinds of apples, 
voted for our favorites and made a treat 
by mixing cinnamon and sugar in a bag with apple slices . . . yum!

 We had a lot of fun tearing up paper for our apple craft . . . 
(tearing something with your preschooler? Make it a little easier by cutting little slits in the paper first.  This helps little fingers be able to grip and pull the paper better). 

 Sprinkled cinnamon on the top to make our letter A's smell like pie . . . 
 The finished products . . . 

Our preschool classroom sure smelled
cinnamon-y delicious the rest of the day!

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