
First Day of School!

What a great first day of preschool! Here's a glimpse at a few of our first day activities--

Moko the monkey introduced us to this fun book . . . 
which was read as Miss BinderCOOL gets ready for PRESCHOOL, of course! :)

Like the characters in the story, 
we noticed that each of our names starts with a special letter.  
We added our names to the preschool word wall . . . 
which naturally lead to a discussion with counting, comparing and contrasting . . . 
letter T won the most names contest!

We had lots of fun learning about our new friends by
 discovering the five items they'd put in their bags . . . 

and we played with new friends and toys. . . 

while filling in the spaces with lots and lots of giggles and silliness! :)

Can't wait to see what Wednesday holds in store!

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