
Cool Colors!

Today, after reading Ed Young's Seven Blind Mice we had so much fun exploring colors.  Here's the details:
We dug for treasure in the wheat box.  The kids had to find 3 hidden objects of each color and put them in the container.  Warning: if you try something similar--have a vacuum nearby!

We made paint hand print magic . . .
Each hand was painted a different primary color and put on the paper. After rubbing their hands together and repeating the magic words, the kids were thrilled to see a new color appear!

While children were working at other centers, I asked a child to come over to my "game," handed them a paintbrush and asked them to paint a crayon of a specific color.  The kids had fun and it was an easy way for me to assess their color knowledge.

And then there was the shaving cream.

Each child had three piles of shaving cream with red, blue and yellow finger paint (yes--morning parents,  . . . I learned from your kids that the next group should do this outside, wearing painting shirts and using finger paint instead of food coloring!)

It was so fun to watch how each group responded to the experience differently.

The girls jumped right in (I love the looks of delight on their faces!), mixing and exploring the new color combinations . . .

The morning boys were much more hesitant and delicate .  . .

but it wasn't too long before both tables looked like this . . . 

The afternoon class even went for the table legs . . . 

Both classes had fun watching the shaving cream magically disappear when I hosed the tables down (and their hands . . . feet. . . faces . . . :)

It was a great day of all sorts of color exploration!

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