
More Centers

Here's a peek at more center work that happened today.  These are set up when the kids arrive and they are free to move back and forth between them as they choose . . .

For dramatic play the house and kitchen were open.

(I love this picture! So sweet!)

There was lots of word building at the Literacy Center.

The reading nook is always open for relaxing with a good book. 

The Art Center had crayons and watercolors.

I also introduced a new activity . . . which the kiddos LOVED (this would a be a super simple thing to do at home on those "I'm bored" days!)
I had a bin of brightly colored pony beads and some pipe cleaners.  

The kids strung these on anyway they liked.  
Some sorted by color, some created patterns and some just had fun stringing them anyway they wanted! All great fine motor practice.  

The kids really enjoyed this--it'll be coming out again soon!

Finally, the Jungle set also became a popular space.  It is so fun to watch the kids interact together--making up animal sounds, singing, and role playing.  I love it!

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