
Kool-Aid Playdough

K is for Kitchen . . . and in the kitchen we can make Kool-aid playdough!

I have tried a lot of playdough recipes . . . and this is by far the best.  It turns out great every time, is super soft, lasts forever and smells FANTASTIC!

Here's the recipe . . . 

2 1/2 C. flour
1/2 C. salt
2 pkg unsweetend Kool-aid (I actually used the walmart version of crystal light)
3 Tbl. oil
2 C. Boiling water (make sure only an adult handles the water!)

Mix dry ingredients together (flour, salt, kool-aid).  Pour oil in the center of the dry mixture.  Rapidly, stir in the boiling water.  It will be very sticky at this stage.  Set aside until it is cool to the touch.  Knead well.  It should be soft and smooth and not sticky. 

When doing this with kids, let them help you read the numbers in the recipe, count the scoops with you and help stir.  We also used this as an opportunity to discuss the different states of water (ice, liquid, gas) and the properties it has in each. 

They class had a lot of fun helping with the kneading it out as well!

The best part of course? Enjoying the end result!

"Look teacher, it's a valentine TEXAS!"
He wanted to take it home to show his mom . . . posting a picture on the computer was the next best option :)

Have fun in the Kitchen!

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